by Rowan Costello

B2B Acronym Guide

I’ve often hear these acronyms tossed around in big tech meetings or investor conversations, and not knowing them slowed me down more.

Here’s a guide of the ones I’ve had to look up so far to help you keep pace.

ACV – Annual Contract Value
ABM – Account-Based Management/Marketing
ARR – Annual Recurring Revenue
BI – Business Intelligence
CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost
CRO – Conversion Rate Optimization
CTR – Click Through Rate
DPA – Data Processing Agreement
GRC – Government, Risk, and Compliance
IAM – Identity and Access Management
IRP – Incident Report Plan
KPI – Key Performance Indicator
LTV – Lifetime Value
MQL – Marketing Qualified Lead
NPS – Net Promoter Score
OKR – Objectives and Key Results
PaaS – Platform-as-a-Service
POC – Proof of Concept
POS – Point of Sale
PPC – Pay Per Click
SAM – Serviceable Available Market
SaaS – Software-as-a-Service
SEM – Search Engine Marketing
SLA – Service Level Agreement
SMM – Social Media Marketing
SOM – Serviceable Obtainable Market
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
SQL – Sales Qualified Lead
TAL – Target Account List
TAM – Total Addressable Market
TCO – Total Cost of Ownership