scrapnote: how to pen a punchy 30s tv spot

STEP 1 List 6 emotional benefits people might feel when using your product, or interacting with your brand. Think about your product’s heritage, usage occasions with the strongest emotional story or themannerisms of the type of people who flock to it. Next, throw those 6 benefits up against those of your top competing and shortlist […]

scrapnote: odd ideas of what constitute an investment

At the end of the WWII, John Maynard Keynes famously proposed that the best way to get the UK economy at full speed would be to ask the Americans to bomb factories in the UK ‘at an hour when the directors were sitting there and no one else’. He added: ‘How else are we to […]

scrapnote: cultural imprinting

Our copywriter sent me this essay on the topic of ‘Culture Imprinting’ this week. Published by social psychology penman Kevin Simler back in 2014, it argues that ads don’t work through individual manipulation but through changing culture. Mainly using mass media and OHH advertising to drive peer pressure. So for example, when I walk through […]

scrapnote: poisonous phone-checking

My Mum wrote me a long email after our time together over Christmas to express how shocked she was to notice the amount of time I was spending with my head buried in my iPhone. For a lot of folk like myself working in communication, the lines between work and play have become blurred. We […]

scrapnote: the palau pledge

Yesterday a whale died off the southern coast of Thailand. The autopsy revealed 80 plastic bags weighing up to eight kilos were found in the creature’s stomach. Thon Thamrongnawasawat, a marine biologist and lecturer at Kasetsart University, said the bags had made it impossible for the whale to eat any nutritional food. “If you have […]

scrapnote: the president stole your land

Anyone who visited Patagonia’s website last Monday in search for some warm mittens was in for a surprise. The outdoor brand posted a sinister accusation on its homepage after President Donald Trump cut the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase National Monuments in Utah. The message, in bold black and white, was a sore […]

scrapnote: lord bells excruciating exit

As Bell Pottinger goes into administration in the wake of the scandal over its campaign to stir up racial tensions in South Africa I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems some make compromises in their work, whatever it is. Unless you have worked for a company or department of government, or […]

the 4 c’s of great content

The bar has never been higher for brands that want to produce content. Are strategists up to the challenge of taking the brand out of branded content, and putting the human element back in? In short, branded content now needs to be as good an un-branded content. Here’s a few starters for 10. Context: To create […]

hail robert harris

Robert Harris’ wise words on Brexit and our government’s jurassic ignorance of logic. Poignant and pithy, this is one of my favourite writers at his best. I’ll just leave this here:   R