Future-proofing banking through large-scale connectivity

The X + Y =

Leveraging an expansive API offering, a fresh unified brand language, and a palpable sense of connectivity, we unlocked new audiences for Kinective across North America.

Agency: Structure

Brand Strategy

Brand Identity

A unifying ambition.

OceanSound Partners, a New York-based private equity firm, approached strategic brand agency Structure to create a unified brand for the three companies it was about to merge: CFM, NXTsoft, and IMM eSign. Together, they would offer API connectivity, workflow automation, and data analytics software to over 2,000 banks
across North America.. 

Structure was tasked with developing a comprehensive brand strategy for the soon-to-be-formed new entity, Kinective. I supported co-founder and Head of Strategy, John Galpin, in developing a full brand strategy package. This included a value proposition, identity, new name, logo, website, and a wealth of go-to-market collateral.

Scale's untapped power.

An in-depth insight discovery phase highlighted a gap: competitors overlooked using the power of brand to its full potential. They missed a trick when it came to highlighting the scale and depth of their connected value. This gave us a unique opportunity to lead by landing a scalable, adaptable, two-way value position and merge two worlds into a unified offering. This strategy could lift Kinective above the morass of competitive activity, crystallising its expansive offer to set it distinctly apart.

Simple yet profound.

We formulated a tight strategic narrative that highlighted the transformative power of a single connection, which could open doors to endless opportunities. At the core of our strategy lay the value proposition ‘all access through connectivity at forefront of digital transformation’ which positioned them as a symbol of accessibility, human connection and the force multiplier that was true to their new unified offer. We then set the brand up with a  tone of voice that spoke in ‘English, banking, and facts’. This approach breathed new life into the market’s stale discourse, making the offer
feel human first, banking second. 

The art of connectivity.

Matt Hawke, Senior Designer at Structure, along with his team, translated the strategic vision into a practical set of design principles, offering audiences a palpable sense of large-scale transformation. Their work was adaptive, clean, connected, simple, and supremely sophisticated. Central to their approach was a ‘connect the dots’ concept, enriched with vivid photography to forge a sophisticated visual language. This result deftly set Kinective up to exceed the demanding consumer-grade expectations of a modern brand.

Future-proofing finance.

The outcome of Structure’s work is a balanced blend
of future-proofing and human understanding.

We knew the real value would come from the brand demonstrating that we’re able to connect all those different pieces. To really own scale and magnitude. One that visualises a vast, full-service ecosystem. The work confidently positioned Kinective as both a vigilant observer of banking’s evolving landscape and a grounded, empathetic guide in a world of ones and zeros.