
Cendyn Simplifying a complex product architecture and revamping a brand identity, we unlocked Cendyn’s growth and engagement in the hospitality sector. Agency: Structure Brand Architecture Brand Identity Overview. A world leader in cloud-based hospitality tech, Cendyn sought to redefine its brand and streamline its offerings after a period of significant growth through strategic acquisitions. The […]

framework: the duracell bunny rule

For this trick, the crux is recognising that different product categories have different levels of innate interest. Smartphones or surfboards are captivating, AA batteries simply are not. In high-interest categories, brands can land complex, knotty, immersive strategies because consumers are willing to go deep, and explore every facet of what the brand has to say. […]

framework: the 3-floor hierarchy

This framework, the 3-floor hierarchy, is pretty self-explanatory.  In 3 concise ‘floors,’ we will spans the full scope of a strategically robust business. Strategy: What is the unique edge your business brings to the table? Here I want you to pinpoint the singular value that sets you apart in your marketplace. The How: Define your […]

scrapnote: genchi genbutsu

I do love a new working method. Last week a friend of mine from Nagasaki mentioned ‘genchi genbutsu’ over coffee. I had never heard of it. Genchi Genbutsu is a Japanese management method that translates to ‘actual place, actual thing’. It means managers are expected to be surgically on top of the operational realities of […]

framework: megachurch the benefits

Having a robust, quick-response method up your sleeve be invaluable. Here’s a ‘fast strategic framework’ I use for high-pressure scenarios. A note of caution: these are quick fixes, best suited for emergency use. When using them, it helps to have: – The ability to put a number of lenses on a the problem.– Years of […]

scrapnote: the efficiency movement

I’ve been reading up on the Efficiency Movement. A fad that swept through the US at the turn of the century that promised to eliminate waste, recalibrate the economy, and progress society as a whole. You basically had guys like Frederick Winslow Taylor, a management theorist during the Progressive Era, who would walk around with […]

framework: founders checklist

This ‘no BS checklist’ will help founders succinctly delineate the critical elements necessary for a business to achieve success: Purpose, People, Product, and Process.  It asserts that missing any one of these components can lead to detrimental outcomes— confusion, anarchy, bankruptcy or worse, frustration.  It underscores the necessity for a balanced approach, with each component […]

framework: the solid strategy statement

This framework acts as a rigorous auditor of your strategy statements, insisting on absolute clarity and uniqueness.  By transitioning from the generic boast of “We are by far the best X,” to the assertive and unique claim, “We are the only X who do Y,” it demands that you precisely articulate what sets your business […]

scrapnote: the absurdity of this tech market

what3words – one of my all-time favourite system ideas. It’s also a case study on the absurdity of the tech market. £119m burnt to generate £2.5m in revenue. It is no commercial ‘product’. Yet the founders keep treating it as such. It’s more of a Python package than it is a business is my gripe. […]